Chinese Model Li Ying Zhi Beauty 'Expires' a Few Years after Plastic Surgery.
Recent photos of Chinese model Li Ying Zhi has made waves online after her usually flawless face looked far from perfect.
The photo attracting numerous comments online show her having a lopsided chin and visible lines across the sides of her face.
This is a stark difference from her appearance at the 2012 Beijing Motor Show where she looked just stunning at every angle.
In just two years, her looks seemed to have taken a downhill turn and Chinese online site says this is because there is an 'expiry date' to plastic surgery procedures.
The site claims that these plastic surgery procedures may look good for awhile, but a few years after, the reverse will start to show.
The report mentions that surgery done on the nose, chin and double eyelids are all subject to an 'expiry date'.
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